Im Januar 2025 veröffentlicht Atlus den original Soundtrack zum Spiel „Metaphor ReFantazio“ in einer Limited Edition auf CD. Der 5-CD-Soundtrack umfasst insgesamt 131 Titel und enthält als Bonus ein Reisekartenposter sowie ein Lesezeichenset. Die 61 Stücke, die ursprünglich in der limitierten Metaphor-Edition enthalten waren, wurden für diese Veröffentlichung zusätzlich überarbeitet und neu gemastert.
Disc 1
1-1 End of Start
1-2 Lord of the Spiry
1-3 Ideal Town
1-4 Heroan Origin
1-5 Magic to Connect to You of the Exoticorities
1-6 Recreation
1-7 Dust
1-8 Wilderness
1-9 Beginning of the Journey of Heroes
1-10 Breakfast in the tavern
1-11 Decisions on the Chest
1-12 Lonely Night
1-13 Memories
1-14 Raiders Shadow
1-15 Fortress of Devastation
1-16 Figure of the inner heroes
1-17 Hero Awakens
1-18 is the name of carrot
1-19 gal.
1-20 Poem To The Heroes
1-21 Avalanched Mining
1-22 Fight
1-23 King Referee
1-24 at blind spots
1-25 Bondage
1-26 Funeral
1-27 Capacitor
1-28 Magic of King
1-29 Decisions
1-30 The Dead
Disc 2
2-1 hour bell sound
2-2 Grand Trado, Kingdom
2-3 Royal Grand Trado -Night-
2-4 Supporters
2-5 Binding
2-6 Cathedral of the Dead
2-7 Intrusive Threats
2-8 Fame
2-9 Identification of determination
2-10 Nostalgia
2-11 Verse
2-12 full, yo
2-13 Championships
2-14 Armor Tank
2-15 Travel Legs
2-16 Unexpected Magic
2-17 Martilla Old Castle City
2-18 Martilla in Old Castle City -Night-
2-19 Anxiety and Traffic
2-20 Enemy
2-21 Trapstick Belly
2-22 Compete against the Strong Enemy
2-23 Traplyptus Cave
2-24 The Faiths.
2-25 Grant
2-26 Castle of Horror
2-27 Slow Dry
2-28 Eye
Disc 3
3-1 Water Capital
3-2 Marine City Bryhaven
3-3 Marine City Bryhaven -Night-
3-4 Peace
3-5 Smile
3-6 Prophective
3-7 blue
3-8 Next Map
3-9 New World Car Window
3-10 resting between
3-11 Conflicting Candidates
3-12 Strong Man
3-13 Karadrius Flying Tank
3-14 Curse
3-15 Serenity
3-16 End of the Dead Line
3-17 Ends of Illusion
3-18 Days of Time Memory
3-19 Hours of Daily Life
3-20 Soft Night
3-21 Battle of the Ocean
3-22 Shrine Maiden of the Dragon God
3-23 Bilga Island
3-24 Virga -Night-
3-25 Help
Disc 4
4-1 Shrine and Temple
4-2 Tsukyo City
4-3 dragon lore
4-4 Exotoric
4-5 Holy Land
4-6 Alterbury Mountain City
4-7 Mountain City Alterbury Night-
4-8 spiry
4-9 Disaster Theater
4-10 Glow Arrows
4-11 My name is Louis Guiabern
4-12 Termination
4-13 Punishment
4-14 Brothers
4-15 Weaping
4-16 New Trials
4-17 Crisis Hair
4-18 Wings
4-19 Wake Up
4-20 Triumph
4-21 Transformation
4-22 Research of Compassion
4-23 Ancient of Elda
4-24 New Look
4-25 End of Awaken!
4-26 Connected Hands
4-27 Travel
Disc 5
5-1 Ground for Leaking Trees
5-2 Ruins of Devastation
5-3 Deep Cemetery
5-4 Untreaded Devil
5-5 Towering Tower
5-6 Wings of Liberty
5-7 Royal and Giant Face
5-8 Star of Foresting
5-9 End of Your Dream
5-10 Power of Scepter
5-11 Illusion and Reality
5-12 Wish Power
5-13 The World To Be Disappointed
5-14 King of Devastation
5-15 Dawn
5-16 Heroes
5-17 Coronation
5-18 Heroes Everyday
5-19 New View
5-20 Illusion Live
5-21 Following Heroes Journey
Der Release ist voraussichtlich am 15.01.2025.
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