Im zweiten Quartal 2025 veröffentlicht Laced Records den original Soundtrack „Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Trilogy“ auf Vinyl, wahlweise mit schwarzen LPs oder Laced Records Shop exklusiven colored LPs (black + blue, black + white, & brown + ochre galaxy effect).
Der Soundtrack umfasst 53 Titel aus den PS2-Klassikern „The Sands of Time“, „Warrior Within“ und „The Two Thrones“.
01. Welcome To Persia
02. Introducing The Prince
03. Prelude Fight
04. Behold The Sands Of Time
05. Discover The Royal Chambers
06. Attack Of The Sand Griffons
07. Don’t Enter The Light
08. Enter The Royal Palace
09. The Royal Baths
10. Chaos In The Zoo
11. Lost In The Crypts
12. Farah Enlightens The Prince
13. Trouble In The Barracks
14. The Library
15. A princess is captured
16. The Tower Of Dawn
17. Reverse The Sands Of Time
18. The Vizier Must Die
19. Time Only Knows
20. Welcome Within
21. Battle The Dahaka
22. Conflict Of The Griffins
23. Desolation Of The Tower
24. Escape The Dahaka
25. An Unsafe Sanctuary
26. Mystic Sanctuary
27. Attack At Sea
28. Clash In The Catacombs
29. Conflict At The Entrance
30. Confrontation In The Mechanical Tower
31. Military Aggression
32. Shadows Of The Tower
33. Rooftop Engagement
34. Struggle In The Library
35. The Guard Tower Past
36. The Mystic Caves
37. Tower Encounter
38. The Beauty Of The City
39. Beneath Babylon
40. Babylon Exploration
41. Time Marches
42. Epic Battle Of The Chariots
43. Nostalgic Sand Prince
44. The Palace Battle
45. Alone In The Garden
46. The Prince Retaliates
47. A Besieged City
48. A Babylonian Prince
49. The Mighty Prince
50. In Pursuit Of Farah
51. The Wandering Sand Prince
52. The Mental Realm
53. I Still Love You
Der Release ist voraussichtlich im 2. Quartal 2025.
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Schwarze LPs
Colored LPs